
Charity App Tooba

PR Digital Marketing
The campaign aimed to introduce Tooba to the Emirates' audience, emphasizing its charitable mission and functionality.
The key messages were connected with convenience & impact, including the creation of awareness and the garnering of support for Tooba's entry into the Emirates.
The Target Audience was local residents, businesses, and the philanthropic community in the Emirates, and also media outlets, influencers, and community leaders.
Campaign channels:
  • Influencer’s posts on Social Media: influencers to amplify the reach and credibility of Tooba
  • Press Releases: issued press releases to key media outlets announcing the launch and highlighting key features
The main challenge was to promote the charity app in a new market. Talking to several journalists to get media coverage, we highlighted the fact that the Emirati non-profit foundation Al Jalila Foundation signed an agreement with the Tooba app.

The results

  1. Social media:
Bloggers Khabib Nurmagomedov (36M), Islam Makhachev (8M), and Hasbulla (8,5M) shared about the launch of the app in the Emirates on their social media accounts. This is a powerful influencer marketing strategy.
  1. Media outlets:
We successfully engaged with major local media outlets: Zawya, UAEnews24/7, BizToday, MeNews, and TradingView. These media platforms cater to a vast audience, collectively reaching over 8 million users.
The Emirates Al Jalil Foundation supported the app and promoted it, increasing outreach to local charities, donors, and audiences.
The public campaign and news coverage surrounding Tooba's launch in the Emirates successfully generated awareness, engagement, and support for the charity application. Continued efforts in community engagement, media partnerships, and localized content creation will be pivotal for Tooba's sustained success in the region.